Jiarong Wu

Fluid dynamics for Earth's ocean and atmosphere.


1105A Warren Weaver Hall

New York, NY 10012


I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, working with Prof. Laure Zanna, and as a member of Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics (LEAP). I am looking for ways to improve air-sea flux parameterizations in climate models, using a combination of observational data, high-fidelity numerical simulations, and data-driven methods.

Previously, I obtained my Ph.D. at Princeton University, advised by Prof. Luc Deike. My thesis focuses on the dynamics of ocean surface waves in the context of air-sea interaction. In general, my research interests include fluid dynamics, waves, turbulence, ocean physics, climate modeling, and computational methods.

I am original from Huzhou, China. In my free time, I enjoy playing volleyball, making food, taking photos, and learning about music theory. My name is pronounced as `Jar-Wrong`.


Aug 25, 2023 I defended my Ph.D.! :smile: Thank you Luc, and everyone who helped me along the way.

selected publications


  1. multilayer-jfm.jpeg
    Breaking wave field statistics with a multi-layer model
    Jiarong Wu, Stéphane Popinet, and Luc Deike


  1. wind-wave-3D.jpeg
    Revisiting wind wave growth with fully-coupled direct numerical simulations
    Jiarong Wu, Stéphane Popinet, and Luc Deike